Category: Crochet

AR Shop – AR Crochet Gift Shop

AR Shop – AR Crochet Gift Shop

Okeh.. sekarang aku pengen cerita darimana asal mulanya AR_Shop. AR_Shop itu adalah merk dagangan aku. Alhamdulillah sekarang aku punya Crochet Gift Shop namanya AR_Shop ; IG: @ar_shop0207. Jadi dari dulu tu aku kepengen punya usaha sendiri, tapi ga tau apa. Pengen bikin sesuatu aja gitu. […]

To Begin Crocheting / Mulai Merajut

To Begin Crocheting / Mulai Merajut

So, as I promised in my previous post, this time I’ll share my experience on how I begin crocheting. I decided to share with you, what to prepare and where to buy. Since I’m located in Indonesia, I got all the materials from my origin. […]

My Crochet World

My Crochet World

Ok sis.. I have a new hobby; it’s crocheting. I know… Its mad. Me, crocheting, never could imagine in a million years!!. But here I am, I have been doing it every single day now. But before we’re jumping to crocheting, I need to tell […]