Category: Health And Beauty

Diary Sehat Manda (part 2) – Exercise Routine / Rutinitas Berolahraga

Diary Sehat Manda (part 2) – Exercise Routine / Rutinitas Berolahraga

Ok.. ini sebenernya yang paling challenging menurutku. Seperti judulnya, Exercise Routine – Rutinitas Berolahraga. Jadi bukan cuma olahraga untuk menurunkan berat badan, tapi bagaimana caranya menciptakan rutinitas olahraga in my life. Challenging karena kita tu harus bikin itu sebuah rutinitas yang akan selalu kita lakukan […]

Diary Sehat Amanda; Umur 40 Overweight 6 Kilo (part 1)

Diary Sehat Amanda; Umur 40 Overweight 6 Kilo (part 1)

Ok, tulisan ini kelanjutan dari tulisan aku sebelumnya yang ini ya.. Kalo belom baca, silahkan clik dulu 😉 My Body, My 40 Years; How Your Body Changes After 40 Jadi, seperti yang udah aku bilang sebelumnya, aku overweight 6 kilo dan aku sudah merasa berat […]

Skincare Routine / Perawatan Wajah Selama di Sorong

Skincare Routine / Perawatan Wajah Selama di Sorong

Hi.. dulu aku pernah share soal skin care routine aku ya waktu lagi di Bali. I thought I just give you an update, skin care wajah selama aku di Sorong. Steps skincare-an aku kaya gini : Face Cleansing Oil/Cleansing Balm, Face Wash, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer, […]

My Body, My 40 Years; How Your Body Changes After 40

My Body, My 40 Years; How Your Body Changes After 40

So, this year I turned 40th. Despite many people said that being 40 is when you reached the gate of being ‘old’, I am very grateful that on my 40th I don’t have any major complained regarding my health, my looked and my life in […]

LUNA Long Lasting Water Pact OR SPF50+ PA+++Review (Bahasa Indonesia)

LUNA Long Lasting Water Pact OR SPF50+ PA+++Review (Bahasa Indonesia)

Dulu aku tu seneng banget pake Korean Cushion. Jaman-jaman merk April Skin, IOPE, Misha, Etude aku dah coba. Aku tu seneng Korean Cushion karena mereka tu finish akhirnya selalu mencoba untuk skin like. They are not always necessary to be that super high coverage but […]

The Realest Lightweight Compact Powder by Rose All Day

The Realest Lightweight Compact Powder by Rose All Day

February 13th, The reason why I decided to dedicate one article just for this powder is because ini adalah powder pertama yang aku suka. Untuk aku, milih powder tu susah. I have combination to normal (oily in my T-zone and dry in my jaw line) […]

Colourpop Creme Lux Lipstick

Colourpop Creme Lux Lipstick

February 13th, And, the second item that I bought was The Crème Lux Lipstic. Again, if you want to know the story on how I get it, I linked it down below. Belanja dari Website Colourpop ( langsung; USA – Indonesia/ Jakarta – Bali I […]

Colourpop Pretty Fresh Hyaluronic Tinted Moisturizer

Colourpop Pretty Fresh Hyaluronic Tinted Moisturizer

February 1st, Ok… I want to tell you how I feel about this Pretty Fresh Hyaluronic Tinted Moisturizer.  This latest complexion from Colourpop is actually the answer to my prayer. I always want a real tinted moisturizer; a moisturizer that’s tinted. But most of the […]

Belanja dari Website Colourpop ( langsung; USA – Indonesia/ Jakarta – Bali

Belanja dari Website Colourpop ( langsung; USA – Indonesia/ Jakarta – Bali

30th December 2019 So, siapa si yang ga kenal brand Colourpop? Brand indie dari USA ini terkenal banget karena product nya yang super affordable with a high end quality, lucu-lucu lagi. We call it a brand that never sleeps. Secara dia tu ngeluarin product barunya […]

Pasca Operasi Cesar (Post C-Section)

Pasca Operasi Cesar (Post C-Section)

October 2019 Sesuai dengan janji, aku share my post c-section experience. Kalo pengen baca pengalaman operasi cesar aku, please have a look the link below: Pengalaman Operasi Cesar (C-Section) di Puri Bunda Hospital Bali Anak pertama aku lahir normal, anak kedua lahir dengan operasi cesar. […]