Homemade Fluffy Pancake

November 2019

Ok.. this is a new content. In one fine day, I was thinking to write my favorite food recipes here in my blog. Who knows one day…when I’m gone, if my children want to know how mommy used to cook the meal for them, they can just visit this blog. Hehehe…

For the first recipe I’m thinking to start with breakfast meal. Every weekend, I used to make them some pancake. At first, I was trying the instant pancake in a box that you can find at the supermarket. But somehow, I prefer to make them from scratch. Alhamdulillah, they loved it. The pancake turnout to be so fluffy and if we are using the right pan it will be a bit crispy outside. So here it is..

Homemade Fluffy Pancake

This recipe is enough to feed my family of 4 @2 pancakes each. And I can still save some of the batter, which will be enough for the next day.


  • 2.5 cups All-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoon caster sugar
  • 1 salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 500 ml buttermilk

*if you don’t have buttermilk you can substitute with normal milk add with lemon juice (1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon lemon juice). Stir well and let it sit for 10 minutes

  • 3 tablespoon Unsalted butter (melted)

*this butter purposes is to smooth-en the texture of the pancake. It can be substituted with vegetable oil.

  • 2 Eggs

*separate the egg yolks and the white eggs. Mix the white eggs with a mixer until its get fully and stiff.

  • Any flavor you like for the topping (chocolate, banana, strawberry, blueberry, anything you want)
  • Maple syrup

*I used to use any syrup or a honey; depends what’s available.

Preparation Method:

  • First of all, I used to separate my dry and wet ingredients.
  • Shift all-purpose flour, caster sugar, salt, baking powder and baking soda and mix together in a large mixing bowl with a whisk.
  • In other bowl, mix together buttermilk, melted butter and egg yolk with just a fork. Pour the wet mixture to the dry mixture. Mix it with a whisk, leave it aside.
  • Using a mixer, mix the egg whites until it’s fluffy and stiff. Add to the mixture.
  • By now, you will see that your batter rises and you will find lots of air inside. Which is good, it means you will have a fluffy pancake later on. Rest your batter for about 15 minutes.
  • I used to use a large ice cream scoop to portion a single pancake. Before that, heat your pan. Make sure you are using a small fire, a little butter just to grease your pan and also to browning your pancake, make sure your pan not overheated.
  • Cook the pancake in the pan, one scoop at a time. Once you see lots of air holes at the surface, you can safely turn your pancake. Just before you see lots of air holes, you can add your favorite topping on to it.
  • Serve your pancake with the syrup and a cube of butter on top.
  • Enjoy

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