Skin Care Routines; What Motivates Me and the Thought Behind It

3rd August 2018


Untuk yang sudah memulai skin care routine-nya, good for you. I dedicate this post for those people who never even touch any of skin care product because of many different reasons ; too lazy, too busy, no time, too expensive, you think that you don’t need it, etc, etc. I was one of those people. Now, I want to share with you what changed my mind, my thoughts :

  1. For me, all started when I have dry patches on my face on my 35th and a very oily nose. No matter make up I used to cover that (even the most expensive make up I tried..), does not work to cover it. Jadi, kenapa aku akhirnya ada skin care routine, adalah untuk memperbaiki masalah aku itu. Cerita lebih lengkap bisa diliat di ‘About Me’ click
  2. Merawat / memelihara tubuh adalah salah satu bentuk tindakan bersyukur kepada Allah SWT. So, there’s no reason to say no.
  3. It is a long term investment. It is not only how you want to look right now but how you want to look later on your 40th, your 50th and so on.
  4. If you think that you don’t have a time, think again. How long does it take to rub a moisturizer cream to your face? Everything is only in your mind.
  5. It is you who manage your time. So, manage it well. Trust me, you will find the time if you really mean it.
  6. Ga perlu cari skin care yang mahal, soalnya kan harus routine. Ntar kalo habis trus mau re-purchase gimana? Banyak ko yang bagus dan affordable, berdoa insyallah ada yang cocok 🙂 . Boleh dipikirin; menurut aku, lebih baik banyak invest di skin care daripada invest di make-up. 😉
  7. Sadarilah kalo pake skin care itu bukan oplas yang hasilnya akan berubah 180 derajat dalam waktu singkat. It will take time, jadi ya kerjain aja yang rajin. Trust me, perubahan itu akan terlihat walaupun sedikit. Yang jelas, akan terlihat lebih baik insyallah daripada kalo ga pake sama sekali.
  8. Kalo dirimu pikir that you don’t need anything for your skin, maybe you are just not aware that your skin can actually look better than now.
  9. Skin care bukan untuk merubah muka kita jadi completely different; yang kulit nya agak coklat berubah jadi putih atau yang udah berumur jadi muda lagi. Trust me, it won’t happen like that. However, skin care can make your skin looked at its best.
  10. If you think you are too lazy to do it, terlalu males untuk berkomitmen untuk melakukan itu setiap hari, coba bayangin.. Kita bisa otomatis ngecek hp setiap baru bangun tidur tiap pagi. Itu tu bisa ngabisin antara 5 – 10 menit, lumayan itu bisa sambil maskeran kan.. Ada penelitian yang bilang, manusia cuma butuh 21 kali melakukan sesuatu continuously to make it as a habit; so.., don’t give up!

Itulah beberapa points pemikiran aku selama ini sampe akhirnya aku mulai skin care. Semoga membantu..


Check out the link below to see my current skin care routine: ‎

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