Baked Banana Oat Chocolate Muffin

January 3, 2020

So, before my mother passed away kita tu janjian untuk barengan bikin kue biar aku bisa sekalian belajar. Itu tu taun 2018 beberapa minggu sebelum aku ke Bandung, sebelum Mamah sakit, hospitalized and finally berpulang. Jadi…ya.. si baking lesson mother daughter tu ga pernah kejadian. So, that’s like urging me now to actually learn how to bake and in honoring my mother to.

As we know, buat belajar bikin kue tu ga gampang and butuh peralatan yang beberapa diantaranya ga murah. Number 1 you will definitely need an oven 😀 . Setelah nabung beberapa bulan, ke beli lah standing oven TEKA. Next, pastinya butuh mixer, loyang, dll. Kalo beli di sekaligusin mah, duh…. abot cicis na (berat di ongkos / high expenses). Jadi caranya ya, pilih-pilih resep. Cari yang ga butuh mixer dulu, aahahaha… nasib…

Nemu lah ini, Baked Oat Banana Chocolate Muffin. Sebenernya rasanya bisa apa aja ga usah chocolate, tapi berhubung anak aku sukanya chocolate, ya jadilah.. Jadi ini ga butuh mixer and cuma butuh muffin baking tray aja; aku beli yang non stick. This muffin bagus untuk breakfast and bagus juga untuk lunch.. My children loooved this and best part is, it is a healthy snacks.

Please find the recipe below. I’m very happy to share with you all the journey of my self taught baking lesson. And do feel free to share your experience or suggestion if any in the comments section below, biar aku bisa belajar.. Well, nothing else to say but Happy Baking…

Baked Oat Banana Chocolate Muffin

Made for 6 muffins. If you wish to have 12 muffins, just double up the recipe.


  • 1.5 cups rolled oat
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • A pich of nutmeg
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder
  • Or  you can replace it with brown sugar or white sugar as you like
  • ½ cup (1 -1.5 pcs) banana

*Over cooked banana is better as it will add the sweetness to the muffins

  • 1 whole egg
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 1 cup chocolate chips

*You can change this with any flavor you wish (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, ect). My kids just a chocolate die hard. 😀

Preparation Methods:

  • Heat your oven at 180oC.
  • Mixed all the dry ingredients in a large bowl; oats, baking powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg and salt with a spatula.
  • In a separate bowl mixed the wet ingredients together. Mashed the banana with a fork; you don’t need to mash it until it’s really soft. Add the egg to the banana mashed and mixed it with the fork.
  • Pour the wet ingredients mixture to the dry mixture. Mix it well with a spatula.
  • You can add the chocolate chip (or any flavor) to the mixture or you can add it as a topping. I prefer to add it now.
  • Portion your muffin batter with a large ice cream scoop to the muffin baking pan. Before that, grease your pan with a butter or margarin or maybe olive oil, up to you. Just make sure not too thick.
  • Add toping if any.
  • Bake for more or less 30 minutes. I like it if it’s browning a little bit.
  • Let it cool for few minutes and its ready to serve or keep it until your children back from school. Enjoy 🙂

Beberapa saat setelah ini, aku beli hand blender yang Philips. Maksudnya untuk mpasi kan aku punya baby, itu kan dikasih whisk nya juga jadi bisa mixing pake itu. Akhirnya aku bisa bikin pancake… hehe.. You may check the recipe at the link below

Fluffy Breakfast Pancake

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